Yarn Capitol

Spotted at the Nassau County Democrats annual Low Country Boil: a yarn-based replica of the U.S. Capitol. Everything down to the shrubbery is knitted.


Surely useful as a metaphor for how Congress is tied up in knots. (I’ll be here all week, try the veal!)


Dahlia Lithwick on Slate:

The court’s liberals voted to find a ministerial exception to employment discrimination laws for religious schools and churches; ruled against the EPA in a wetlands case; and, as Adam Liptak points out, the court’s liberals pretty much crushed the Obama administration again this term. Yet you don’t find liberals burning their Stephen Breyer Pokémon cards, in part because liberals don’t have Stephen Breyer Pokémon cards in the first place. We can’t really be bothered.

Is that so?

Tonight on Mad Men, Advertising Eats Itself

I, Kenton Ngo, a man who works for a Democratic consulting firm, was just served an ad from Univision selling political ads.

A wormhole has just opened. They’re using ads to feed more ads.

The advertising spaces of metro Washington, DC where I grew up are filled with ads that aren’t meant for you. Commuters on the Metro scarcely notice ads touting the newest ways to blow things up plastering the Pentagon station, or whatever lobbying fight is happening at Capitol South. You are not thinking of buying a brand-new Boeing KC-135 Stratotanker out to impress the ladies, but more likely than not someone who has that purchasing power is standing there on the platform with you.

No matter. That’s just for show. Nowadays all you have to do is stick a tracking cookie on the Armed Services staff and sell them on the masculinity-enhancing powers of brand new ways to blow things to pieces.

Bill Clinton and Alvin Brown at the Times-Union Center

Former President Bill Clinton joined his former adviser and now Mayor of Jacksonville Alvin Brown at the Times-Union Center to discuss job creation.

North Carolina’s Amendment One

On May 8th, 2012, North Carolina voted on a constitutional amendment to ban any sort of same-sex union.

Redistricting Trounces Incumbents in Pennsylvania Primaries

Pennsylvania’s stagnant population growth led to the Republican-controlled legislature drawing two Democrats out of existence. In Southwestern Pennsylvania’s 12th District, two Democratic incumbents were drawn together. Rep. Jason Altmire was given a substantially larger portion of the new district he fought for with Rep. Mark Critz, but Critz was able to win his home base by such an overwhelming margin that he overcame this geographic disadvantage. Strong geographic splits were also evident in the 17th District, where Rep. Tim Holden, a Blue Dog Democrat previously in a marginal seat, was given a Trojan horse of a blessing: a new district full of Democrats who were chomping at the bit to primary him from the left.



Orlando Mayoral Election

Orlando Mayor Buddy Dyer, a Democrat, won re-election on April 3. Dyer drew strong support in the minority areas of the City of Orlando, while his main opponent did better in high-turnout white areas. Dyer cleared the 50% required to avoid a runoff.
