I heard today that Senator Max Baucus of Montana is retiring. Rumors are swirling that former Montana Governor Brian Schweitzer might run. Why is this exciting? Aside from Virginia’s Tim Kaine, famous for his eyebrow, few Senators have a compelling visual that is instantly identifiable. Brian Schweitzer?

Photo by Bob Brigham
He loves bolo ties.
So I pulled out by Kaine Eyebrow button for inspiration and using my buttonmaker, minted a certain bolo tie button for a possible candidacy. (I’m not the world’s greatest vector artist.)
If you’d like one (they’re 2 1/4″ and made in the USA), I’m hawking them for $2.49 each, 5 for $10, 10 for $15. They’re handcrafted with love by yours truly, a procrastinating grad student. Click below. (The one on the right isn’t for sale!)